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National Economic Planning Office

Last modified: 
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 - 14:11

This output involves:

1. provision of draft policies, statements, and advice on economic and fiscal issues;

2. preparation and monitoring of development strategies, and finalisation of development proposals;

The NEPO has a key role to the formulation and implementation of the National Development Strategy which sets a policy and public expenditure framework for achieving Government’s goal of generating “… a sustained, positive real rate of economic growth per person”.

Working with line Ministries to progressively implement the strategies and policies outlined. Initial emphasis has been placed on introducing financial management reforms through:

– sharpening the focus of expenditure, emphasising outputs rather than inputs, and integrating the recurrent and capital budgets;

– bringing expenditure into line with national priorities, by appraising all budget related and other submissions on the basis of their conformity to policies and priorities as set out in the NDS; and

– improving accountability, by making it clear that Secretaries are responsible for expenditure and performance of their Ministry.

While these will be continued and deepened, they need to be supplemented by broader reforms designed to improve performance in the public enterprise sector, facilitate development of the private sector, and create a more conducive environment for foreign investment.